Star Chart Planisphere Birth Announcement

Interested in working together to make something that hasn't been done before? Reach out to us today!

When we were asked to create a birth announcement for Nole Garey, the founder and editor of Oh So Beautiful Paper, we were honored, thrilled – and totally excited to make something new and unique! She and her husband were interested in having a celestial-themed announcement after seeing some of our other work, so we came up with the idea of creating an actual working planisphere, a device that when rotated to match a certain date and time, would reveal the constellations that you’d see in the night sky. On the back of the star chart, baby renditions of astrological signs encircled a glassine envelope that would later house a square photograph of baby Sophie. As one of our most favorite pieces, we are honored that this announcement won a 2013 Louie Award for Printing and Production Excellence!
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