Common Questions

When should I start working with Ladyfingers?
If you are sending invites from our Personalized collection, we recommend ordering your invites 10-14 weeks before your wedding.

If you are sending invites from our Custom collection, we recommend ordering your invites 12-16 weeks before your wedding.

If you are sending Commissioned invitations, we recommend starting the process with us 18-20 weeks before your wedding.


When do I send my Save the Dates?
Generally speaking, we recommend sending out Save the Dates around 6 months before the wedding, but they can be mailed as far out as one year. If you are planning a destination wedding, or your guests will need to make special travel arrangements to attend, consider mailing them closer to 8 to 12 months prior.


When do I send my Invitations?
When it comes to mailing your wedding invitations, your date to pop them in the post may vary depending on when your vendors need a final headcount, so be sure to ask them when they need to know your final guest list by, as it may dictate your mailing date.

If you have already sent a Save the Date, we recommend sending your invitations between 6-8 weeks before the wedding. If you are having a destination wedding, you can mail out your invites 4-6 months prior.

If you have not sent a Save the Date, you may mail your invitations closer to 8-10 weeks before the wedding.


Where can I learn more about the printing and production techniques you use?
Funny you should ask, because we have a page that explains it all!


What is the best way to contact Ladyfingers?
If you are ready to order your invitations, start here. Any general questions can be directed here.